The Mime in the Mirror

Girl on Mirror 3 Ann-Mari Broman

Photo Courtesy:

Spilt Coffee beans, undone bed and a wreckless room,

Was once a past that succumbed to an organized present.

What remains is considerably new lip bloom,

And a dress unwillingly unused like a give-away present.

Eyes shut in an ambiguously crowded park,

Soft screams of the wind as it plays with my hair.

Maybe I am being watched by mocking eyes in the dark,

Or could be another pair like mine on his favourite chair.

Was peaceful in my rendezvous until you demanded my attention,

Saying words of love like you saw me grow each day.

A moment of stronger fancies lured me out of so-called detention,

While you disappeared changing me on an unusual Christmas day.

Although my calendar circled dates to put on my best ensemble,

The lip glitter that would shine again with my smile and no fear.

As I look into the mirror covering my scarred heart; I fumbled,

I hope I am not looking at another mime in the mirror.

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